7 results found
Auto-Release Listings on Terminated Commission Requests
Agents that have to terminate a transaction because something changed in their transaction can't link the listing again to the new commission request. It would be helpful to have the feature in Command MC for us to release the original attached listing and attach it to the new request.
34 votes -
Sort Listings by Agent Name or Address
We have agents in multiple MLSs so we have to manually remove any duplicate listings from the Listings adjutment tab in Transactions or else our reports are wrong. Currently we are unable to sort the data on the Listings tab by agent name or property address, nor can we export this list into Excel to sort it manually.
10 votes -
Download Current Listings as CSV
It would be very helpful if we could download our current listings to a csv file to make it easier to see how many we have and to verify them. We were able to do this in Cloudmore. :)
7 votes -
Show Co-Listing Agent(s) on Listings
It would be great to get co-listing agent added to the listings taken or an option to add them on there if they don't show up like we were able to in cloudmore listings.
5 votes -
Updated Error Message when Adding Agent to Listing
When I request to add an agent to a listing, it would be nice to be given a reason why the agent can't be updated
4 votes -
My Profit Share
when you see "My Profit Share" open an option to add the name of potential people so you can see the date, and also the pipeline of candidates, and can follow up with them to ensure when they do come over, that they would have a date stamp and ensure the MC does the right thing and can check it too.
1 vote -
Regional listings view
Way for regional staff to see all listings at all MCs in their region
1 vote
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